The Vincentians in Australia and the Pacific need you to join with us as partners in our mission. The ministry that we undertake depends upon your support – in friendship, through prayer and with finances.
A great deal has been done recently in aid of our formation house in the Solomon Islands. One of our Parishes, St Anthony’s Marsfield, held a Trivia Night which raised $3400 to go to providing a water supply for Red Beach Formation House. St Vincent’s, Ashfield and St Joseph’s, Malvern are doing something similar. Thank you for all who support us in our endeavours to bring Good News to the poor in our Province.
Supporting us in Prayer
As the Constitutions of the Congregation (#40.2) state:
We, too, sanctified in Christ and sent into the world, should try to seek out in prayer the signs of God’s will and to imitate the responsiveness of Christ, discerning everything according to his mind. In this way our lives are changed by the Holy Spirit into a spiritual offering, and we become better disposed to participate in Christ’s mission.
Your willingness to keep us in your prayers and where possible to join us in prayer gives us tremendous support as we seek to help bring about the Kingdom of God in the here and now.
Financial Support
Our ministry is also made possible by your financial assistance. Your financial support enables us to assist the people who struggle in life – in our outreach to the poor especially in our missions in developing parts of the province; in our parishes and in our initial formation ministry with our candidates for priesthood and our ongoing formation ministry for confreres undertaking essential personal and professional development. To make a donation or to obtain further information about supporting us financially, please complete the FORM below and our Provincial Treasurer will contact you.
Comments or questions are welcome.