Understanding our Parish Ministry – April 9, 2014

Late in 2013, Laurie McNamara, Alan Gibson and myself got together to open up some conversations about what a Vincentian Parish is in this 21st Century, especially here in Australia. Over the course of a day, we threw around our dreams and visions, we shared our disappointments and struggles, and we reflected upon our hope for this important ministry of the Congregation.

It is important to note that much of this discussion emanated from the meeting of Visitors, held in New York (you can see these deliberations by clicking on the Confrere’s News menu and scrolling down). It is also good to recognize that, here in Oceania, we have been trying to describe “what makes up a Vincentian Parish” form many years. As we age as a community, with diminishing numbers, there is a new need to reflect upon Parish Ministry within the Province.

Please CLICK on this link to see the statements we arrived at:
Parish Meeting – Reflection on a Vincentian Parish

Now this is what we would like YOU to do so that the conversation can spread throughout the Province

  1. share with the rest of us your own reflection, or your community’s reflection on Parish Ministry via the comments box below
  2. highlight any further elements that makes up a Vincentian Parish
  3. suggest what additional action steps we might need to take as a Province

You are able to respectfully comment on each others reflection. In this way we may be able to develop our understanding and practice of Parish ministry.

Thanks for your reflection and contribution.

Brian O’Sullivan cm